Friday, July 3, 2009

In the Past

I've been thinking lately, of all the people I've met through the years. It's sad that I lost contact with so many of them. I try to make it a point to never lose touch with my friends, but somehow we just drift apart someway. I don't know what happens, but it's a sad thing. I used to be friends with these two girls; inseparable is more like it. We lived far away, but when we got together, we were like family. Then our lives just picked up and ran, and we couldn't keep up with each other. Then, months went by and we didn't hear anything from each other. Then we just stopped talking. And I randomly saw them last week and was quite surprised to see them. They seemed just as surprised, but nothing more. I don't know what happened between us. I don't think I ever will really know either.

When I go into a friendship, it's like a sacred thing to me. I take it very seriously. I am very loyal, and non-judgmental and I cherish them. I think friends are special. I don't know if they appreciate it, or if they even notice it. But I won't change the way I am. I think it's better to have a small group of true friends, that you can count on for ANYTHING, than having a ton of friends, half who will stab you in the back any chance they get. I've had my fair share of both.

I've had friends that think I'm immature/silly because I don't drink, and don't do drugs, or whatever. I think they're the immature ones, who think they NEED to drink to have a good time, or they need to do drugs because everyone else around them does. I think they're the ones going down the wrong path, not me. I don't like to drink. So I won't. If you can't deal with it, then you're not really my friend.

And that's my final word on that matter.

1 what do you think?:

Anonymous said...


Though I do like drinking a bit mostly for the taste. Some nice drinks can be quite delicious.
But chocolate is better.

July 3, 2009 at 2:32 PM

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