Thursday, July 16, 2009

Long Live the Romanovs

Today marks the anniversary of the Romanov massacre in Russia; the murder of the last Tzar and his family. A topic that is very close to my heart.

Ever since I was 11, I've been captivated by Russia and its history, its people, the culture, and everything about it. I've read almost every book having to do with the Romanovs and am well versed in their story, and feel quite connected to it.

The History:

On July 16, 1918, at midnight, the entire family was taken down to the basement of the house they were being held captive in, and brutally murdered at the hands of the Bolsheviks, a communist party that would take over Russia's government for decades after. They were wrapped in white sheets, and taken into the night, like stolen jewels. Their bodies were burned in a huge bonfire. The murderers thrilled at their success. They danced around the fire, and made jokes about their conquest. Once the bodies were burned down to the bone, the bones were tossed in a huge ditch and acid was added to disintegrate them further. There they were, buried and left to be forgotten. Only, they were never forgotten, and never will be.

Every year, on July 17th, Orthodox churches in Russia hold special ceremonies and moments of silence in remembrance of the dear, beloved family who lost their lives because of a political battle. Lives cut short, their legacy still lives on, if not in life, then in the hearts and minds of those whose lives they have touched in many ways.

If you want to read up more on the Romanovs, I recommend this site:

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